- Scientific Publications
Clinical Paper Summary: Bacus et al, 2024. Retrospective review of seven patients with obesity simultaneously treated with a combination of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist and a meal replacement product
This retrospective review evaluates real world clinical experience of concomitant use of meal replacement products and GLP-1 RAs in Australia and South Africa. The results illustrate that this combination for weight management is feasible in real-life and may offer potential advantages for weight management.
Resources for
- Scientific Publications
Jones et al, 2024. Real world evidence on the characteristics of regular and intermittent users of a very‐low calorie diet program and associations with measures of program success, health, and quality of life.
- Clinical Resources
The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework: from terminology to implementation into clinical practice (education course)
- Product Information
THICKENUP Gel Express Beverage & Oral Nutrition Supplement Preparation Guide
- Scientific Publications
Vińas et al. 2022. The Hydration Status of Adult Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and the Effect of Thickened Fluid Therapy on Fluid Intake and Hydration: Results of Two Parallel Systematic and Scoping Reviews
- Scientific Publications
ADA Proceedings: Nutritional Approaches for Weight Management, and Prevention and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes
- Scientific Publications
EASD Proceedings: Postprandial Glycaemic Excursions: Implications for Health and Effects of Non-pharmacological Interventions
- Scientific Publications
Hibberd, 2011. Acceptance, compliance, and tolerance of a novel xanthan gum-based thickener on oropharyngeal dysphagia patients