Information for healthcare professionals on obesity including guidelines, protocols and evidence on the use of VLCDs.
- Clinical Resources
Supporting weight management following GLP-1 de-prescription
One challenge that arises after the completion of any weight loss therapy is weight regain. OPTIFAST VLCD products can be beneficial to help individuals maintain nutritional balance and reduce overall caloric intake to support continued weight management.
Resources for Obesity

- Scientific Publications
Clinical Paper Summary: Bacus et al, 2024. Retrospective review of seven patients with obesity simultaneously treated with a combination of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist and a meal replacement product

- Scientific Publications
Jones et al, 2024. Real world evidence on the characteristics of regular and intermittent users of a very‐low calorie diet program and associations with measures of program success, health, and quality of life.

- eLearning Videos
- Videos
Vodcast. Episode 2: Weight Management Clinical Conversations (15 min)
- 15 mins

- eLearning Videos
- Videos
Vodcast. Episode 1: Weight Management Clinical Conversations (15 min)
- 15 mins

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Conley et al. 2023. Acceptability, Adherence, Safety and Experiences of Low Energy Diets in People With Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Mixed Methods Study

- eLearning Videos
- Videos
Webinar - New Research! Type 2 diabetes: can VLEDs help to achieve remission through weight loss?

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Clinical paper: Australian Obesity Management Algorithm for Primary Care

- Scientific Publications
ADA Proceedings: Nutritional Approaches for Weight Management, and Prevention and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Obesity Week 2021 Proceedings: The Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Meal Replacements: Sustained Weight Loss for Improved Liver Health and Diabetes Remission

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
McDiarmid et al. 2021. Manchester Intermittent versus Daily Diet App Study (MIDDAS): A pilot randomized controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes

- eLearning Videos
- External Link
Weight Loss - Treating the Mind and Body with Psychologist Glenn MacKintosh

- eLearning Videos
- Videos
NAFLD: Sustained Weight Loss and Improved Liver Health with a Very Low Calorie Diet

- eLearning Videos
- Videos
Nutritional Approaches to the Prevention and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Management

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Purcell et al. 2014. The effect of rate of weight loss on long-term weight management: a randomised controlled trial

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Anderson et al. 2013. Importance of Weight Management in Type 2 Diabetes: Review with Meta-analysis of Clinical Studies

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Lean et al. 2018. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Delbridge et al. 2006. State of the science: VLED (Very Low Energy Diet) for obesity

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Mustajoki et al. 2001. Very low energy diets in the treatment of obesity

- Scientific Publications
- External Link
Colles et al. 2006. Preoperative weight loss with a very-low-energy diet: quantitation of changes in liver and abdominal fat by serial imaging